On Trying to Study Abroad

credits: overlawyered.com

credits: overlawyered.com

It has always been my dream to study abroad. When I was younger, some ten to fifteen years ago, I dreamed of flying to UK and living and studying there. 2015 was the year.

I am writing this note in October 2014, with plans of visiting Japan by December. If that pushes through, I shall blog that as well.

Anyway, because of certain professional circumstances and practical financial reasons, I am close to giving up UK in 2015. But then that would mean another one of my professional dreams shattering. I need plan B. UK can wait for me, it will not go anywhere. I can go visit London in 2020 for all that matters, but time is ticking for my overseas education. I will not forever be 23 and mentally and physically fit. There’s a possibility that I burn out and cannot anymore find my inner fire. Besides, who knows, I might settle in a few years if I score myself a decent man (there’s no one yet, so go figure), and by then I can no longer pursue this dream. Again, I need plan B.

It’s been a few months since I began browsing through scholarships for graduate schools overseas. Never have I felt so disheartened because chances are, the requirements are too hard to complete, or just plain impossible for me to complete being from my home country and all. But then I woke up and realized that nothing is really easy in life. I can’t blame neither my nationality nor my financial status. I ended up scolding myself for not moving my ass off the chair and actually doing something for this dream.

With those said, I have officially begun my man hunt for a successful overseas education. Never mind the expensive tuition fees and living expenses. I just have to work my butt off in earning that money and cross my fingers and toes that I score a scholarship. I need to work harder. I need to dream bigger. I need to start somewhere. Let this blog and its readers be the witness of that.


SOUTH KOREA 2013 Day 2: MyeongDong Area

Just a quick summary of day 2: Myeongdong Cathedral, Paris Baguette, Myeongdong Shopping, N Soul Tower, Teddy Bear Museum, Lotteria, SPAO

I officially admire the weather forecast in Seoul. They said it was going to rain on April 6 and it actually rained! The whole day we were there, it was raining non-stop. Imagine the cold wind and freezing rain water.

With this arrangement, we decided to venture around one place with roofs to protect us from the cold rain.

At around 9am, we set out for Myeongdong Cathedral. Our original schedule was to attend Mass here on Sunday, but my relative invited us to attend one with Filipinos at Hyehwa.

MyeongDong Cathedral: taken from its patio

MyeongDong Cathedral: taken from its patio

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SOUTH KOREA 2013 Day 1: Arrival, Petite France, Nami Island, Jung-gu, Dongdaemun

A little over a year ago, I went to South Korea for 4 days and 4 nights (we arrived at night). It was an amazing trip, and it was one to cross out from my bucket list. I would love to go back, though, and vist the Boseong Tea Garden – yes I still want to visit that spot I swore I would visit but didn’t really have the chance to. In a longer vacation, maybe. But for now, on with the commentary!

On our arrival, it was surprisingly cold. From the airport, we went directly to our guesthouse which was located in Jongno-5. We took the Bus from the airport and alighted a good 3 minutes from the guesthouse. It’s called KimChee Dongdaemun Guesthouse and you can check more about them on this site. Note, however, that the area is filled with red-light bars. Although we didn’t witness anyone actually “selling” doors and windows were filled with erotic posters of women.

We had dinner (midnight snack) at the closest 24-hour restaurant, one that we did not bother returning to. HAHA. There were drunk men on the streets, but I guess the good thing about it is that they were just minding their own business. You know just… drunk-talking?

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All Souls’ Day

“The day we remember our dearly departed through candles, flowers, and prayers.”


It’s suddenly a long weekend for me; four days off work. While i spent two of these lounging around the house in the morning and visiting the cemetery at night, I also realized I should spend the rest to reminisce my past loves. And no, I don’t mean my past loves, but those things that I used to love. Things that I am engrossed in that I immerse myself into and forget about the reality of life.
And believe me, I mean this in a good way.

Photography. I used to blog for my photos, and stories – fiction and real life. I take pictures because I want to write about these photos. And I thought, while I try to forget about work, why not remember how to write?


For as long as I can remember, every 1st and 2nd of November, my parents would light up candles at the foot of our Altar and pray for our relatives who have passed. The lights used to linger in my dreams, and I wake up at the dancing candle lights.

This year was no different, and I don’t think it will be different next year, or the years after that. I just realized I want to immortalize that tradition which I am sure a lot of families in the Philippines practice.

“May all the holy souls in Purgatory rest in peace. Amen.”

All photos are owned by Lstaralmira.

Crocheting! And the latest update in my life.

Only a few days left and I’ll be turning 20. Wait, scratch that. There are still two months left. And looking at my to-do list, there isn’t much improvement since the last time I updated. Apparently, I still have ‘crafts’ left to do. I don’t think i can still do the beads thing, but recently crocheting has been a constant companion. However, I still haven’t searched for decent yarns and hooks. I’m still stuck with the normal hooks and yarns you can buy in local markets. Next week, I’m going to try my luck on craft stores around Makati area. If I still can’t find any, then I’ll follow up on Filipina bloggers who also do crocheting. You can never know where else this hobby has in store for you. 🙂


So until next time! I’ve just finished a hat for the family dog, Toma. I’ll post pictures once I get the chance to put it on him.

Fall in Love with Endless Love III: Summer Scent

I’ve been sitting a lot these days, what with school over, and just finding and waiting for job opportunities. I realized that I have so much time in my hands, that I decided to use them by backtracking on old Korean dramas that really took Hallyu to the next level.

summer scent

I’m talking about the Endless Love series. I have finished watching Autumn Tale, and currently got some free time on my hands while waiting for the series to buff on YouTube. Anyway, I’ve already talked about a previous topic within the drama, and thought of putting up another one.

Time-tested love versus Fated love. I haven’t been in love; well, none that you can categorize under the two. And to be honest, I can’t quite put my finger on which among the two am I supposed to believe in.

People say, however, that the time spent by two people together does not determine the love they have for each other. Sometimes even, time also cannot determine how much two people know about each other.  I believe things like knowing about each other comes naturally. So does fate. Love that happened within the confines of Fate can never be forced, and it can never be helped.

Although practically speaking, love tested by time is usually the safest to go with. But that does not guarantee that Fated love can make any two people be less happier.

Similarities of Coffee and Love?



I am currently watching Summer Scent, the third season installment of Endless Love, with Autumn Tale and Winter Sonata as its predecessors. I have finished watching Autumn Tale, but I still can’t bring myself into watching the second one (even if winter is my favorite season!).

Anyway, the first or second episode brought about a discussion of the two leads regarding the similarities of coffee and love.

When the topic was opened up, i couldn’t help but think, “They both end in ‘e’!” But of course, being a drama (and having a lot of viewers to boot) they gave out deeper similarities among the two, such as both being sweet and bitter, and having different varieties. Coffee and love also supposedly comes at different times, but they are best enjoyed hot. You also crave for more, especially in a rainy day/night. You start loving it when you get older, but you crave for that one special taste you have gotten yourself used to… they went on discussing numerous similarities between the two that I thought maybe there are really more to coffee and love than are the obvious.

I am starting to really enjoy watching dramas. It’s as if I hit two birds with one stone: I enjoy watching and learning a lot of different techniques regarding the life behind the lights and cameras, at the same time I learn about lessons in life – whether they be realistic or not.

Anyway, who would have thought that there would be more to  coffee and love than just ending with the same letter?