[SEOUL 2019] What I Buy in Seoul

It’s 2019! And here’s a new post following my latest trip to Seoul.

Whenever I plan on going to Seoul, there are always things that I put on my to-buy list – things that I’ve been buying since the first time I went there, and new stuff that have become *hot* topics. As we all know, Korea is very much known for make-up and all things Kpop (trust me, I’m always asked to buy make-up and K-pop whenever I visit), but what other things can you splurge on when in the city?

Here are a few things I usually buy, and also things that I’ve bought for the first time. I’ve linked some of the products to their original Korean website and some of the products to YesStyle. If you order from them, please use my YesStyle Friend Rewards – as this will give you a discount, and will also give me the same amount. It will really help me with the running of this blog. If you have questions, please feel free to comment below!

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SOUTH KOREA 2015 Day 3: Big Hit, SM Entertainment, FNC Entertainment, JYP Ent, Cube Ent, Cube CafĂ©, Itaewon, TS Entertainment (plus Instructions), MyeongDong

That is a mouthful of a title.

Where it all happened.. ^_^

Where it all happened.. ^_^

We have prepared ourselves for a rather looooong walk for this day because we will be agency-hopping. We didn’t schedule anything else for the day. It was purely K-Pop day! I will apologize ahead of time as most of the pictures will contain my sister, as this was her day. If you know what I mean. Haha.

Edit! Cube Entertainment has moved to a different location. See bottom of this post.

Edit! JYP Entertainment has moved and you can read directions / how we went there here!

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SOUTH KOREA 2015 Day 2: TS Entertainment, Aiin’s World, Express Bus Terminal Shopping Center, Banpo Bridge, Hongdae


My sister is a huge fan of BAP, and I followed her fandom just late or middle of 2014 before the group went into hiatus with their agency. But that didn’t deter our love for the group. The news of comeback recently only made our eagerness to meet them. But since we were in Seoul early (the comeback is half a month later in mid-November) we decided to jump on the bandwagon and go to TS. It’s relatively near MyeongDong anyway.

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