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SOUTH KOREA 2013 Day 2: MyeongDong Area

Just a quick summary of day 2: Myeongdong Cathedral, Paris Baguette, Myeongdong Shopping, N Soul Tower, Teddy Bear Museum, Lotteria, SPAO

I officially admire the weather forecast in Seoul. They said it was going to rain on April 6 and it actually rained! The whole day we were there, it was raining non-stop. Imagine the cold wind and freezing rain water.

With this arrangement, we decided to venture around one place with roofs to protect us from the cold rain.

At around 9am, we set out for Myeongdong Cathedral. Our original schedule was to attend Mass here on Sunday, but my relative invited us to attend one with Filipinos at Hyehwa.

MyeongDong Cathedral: taken from its patio

MyeongDong Cathedral: taken from its patio

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SOUTH KOREA 2013 Day 1: Arrival, Petite France, Nami Island, Jung-gu, Dongdaemun

A little over a year ago, I went to South Korea for 4 days and 4 nights (we arrived at night). It was an amazing trip, and it was one to cross out from my bucket list. I would love to go back, though, and vist the Boseong Tea Garden – yes I still want to visit that spot I swore I would visit but didn’t really have the chance to. In a longer vacation, maybe. But for now, on with the commentary!

On our arrival, it was surprisingly cold. From the airport, we went directly to our guesthouse which was located in Jongno-5. We took the Bus from the airport and alighted a good 3 minutes from the guesthouse. It’s called KimChee Dongdaemun Guesthouse and you can check more about them on this site. Note, however, that the area is filled with red-light bars. Although we didn’t witness anyone actually “selling” doors and windows were filled with erotic posters of women.

We had dinner (midnight snack) at the closest 24-hour restaurant, one that we did not bother returning to. HAHA. There were drunk men on the streets, but I guess the good thing about it is that they were just minding their own business. You know just… drunk-talking?

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[Review] That Winter, The Wind Blows (Episode 1)

That winter the wind blows poster


It’s a season late that I am watching this drama with Jo Insung and Song Hyegyo as the leads.

It’s pretty amazing how this drama is making Winter in Korea look breathtakingly beautiful. I was in Seoul earlier this month, and though it’s technically Spring already (and despite the brutal cold for someone from the tropics) I regret not being there earlier in the year.

Then again, this drama is not just about the cinematography – although it presents colors and blurs and broken backgrounds splendidly. I think the beauty of the backdrop used in this drama was to compensate Youngie’s blindness. And to also make us – with the eyes that see – appreciate how beuatiful life really is, despite the ups and downs that we experience.

I refused to watch the movie version of this drama because the poster was too sad to look at. And come to think of it, the drama poster for That Winter was also too sad that I refused to watch it. Anyway, so far the story is working it’s way slowly.

While building the characters of Oh Soo and Oh Young, I came to realize that the drama is taking its time to make the viewers understand the personalities of the two at the same time build the complications around them.

But the evil of Secretary Wang is confusing. I’m guessing she wants to take over PL Group but she can’t do anything about it since she’s technically a stranger in the family.

Anyway, I still have a long way to go for this drama. It’s attractively short with only 16 episodes – well compared to other dramas nowadays at 20 or 24.

What about you guys? What do you think?


[Review] The Innocent Man – 100th Post

Because this is my 100th post, i decided to give it to this sort of awesome drama. I intended to give this honorable post to The Princess’ Man, but the review writing is taking longer than I expected and my blog was expecting a post.

taken from Wikipedia

taken from Wikipedia

And they finally close it at episode 20, overlooking a river of some sort in some secluded provincial town. Which I happen to like the colors that they used.

I am not going to write an extensive review (like the one I’m preparing for The Princess’ Man) but more of a reaction paper to this melodrama that piqued my interest and reasoning in real life.

I started off ranting on this drama until episode 8 when the story pretty much circled around EunGi’s hatred to the world, MaRu’s vengeful self, JaeHui’s ambitiousness and pretty much everyone’s attempt at keeping their so-called rightful place in society, while at the same time making the sane characters crazy. Then it took off when EunGi lost her memory and became this cheerful and bright chic in long skirts and pretty boots.

Then I was pretty much watching it.

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[Review] The Innocent Man – First Look

taken from Wikipedia

taken from Wikipedia

It’s been 7 episodes already and I still don’t get the point of this drama. My frustration is growing, but exactly like the curious cat in me, I can’t seem to stop watching and finding out what will happen in the end.

The synopsis briefly goes like this,

“Betrayed by his ex-girlfriend Han JaeHee, Gang Maru uses the heiress Seo EunGi who lost her memory to take his revenge.”

And I am still waiting when Seo EunGi will loose her memory.

dating in Aomori

dating in Aomori

I only started watching this because of Moon ChaeWon. She’s all sorts of awesome in The Princess’ Man. She still is in The Innocent Man (I do see what they did there) but the story simply just doesn’t grow in me. I need more material, and more concrete plot direction to actually watch this without my mind going to an entirely different direction.

And it doesn’t help that I keep on skipping the scenes without Maru and EunGi. Even Park SiYeon’s Han JaeHee doesn’t work.

Ugh. Please let this drama take on a steadier beat rather than the EunGi-hates-the-world-but-loves-Maru-but-then-Maru-just-hates-the-world drama. Don’t let me hate on Song JoongKi because of this.

And right now, I would really appreciate any non-spoiler tip you can give just to move on with this drama. Any comments?